
General information about valves

• Face to face: is measured from outside flange to the outside of the flange. 

• Pitch: is measured from the outside of the bolt hole to the inside of the opposite bolt hole (diagonal)

• With angle globe valves the face to face is measured from the bottom of the inlet flange till 

The middle of the outlet.

• A non-return valve is also called a screw down non-return valve, when the valve has a hand wheel.

• Standards:

- JIS: means Japanese Industrial Standard.

- DIN: means Deutsche Industrie Norm

- ANSI: means American National Standard Institute.

• A swing check valve can be installed horizontally and vertically. 

But when installed vertically the flow must be upwards.

• Storm valves are installed to the shipside and mostly need a Class approval.

• Certificates:

- 3.1 MB certificate: is a mill certificate.

- ABS certificate: is a Class certificate of the American Bureau of Shipping.

- SOLAS: means safety of life at sea. It is not a certificate but an advisement of the Minimum required standards.

• Bronze valves are mainly used onboard of tankers.


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